The Missing Stocking
Someone's stolen a sister's Christmas stocking!
Someone's stolen a sister's Christmas stocking!
I’m tiptoe-tapping down the stairs
Upon this Christmas morn,
I like to check that Santa’s been
Before the rising dawn.
I sneak and peak around the tree
No, something’s not quite right.
My stocking’s vanished, where’s it gone?
I stuck it up last night…
With skill I scan the fireplace
And what do I detect?
Small finger prints amidst the dust
My brother, I suspect!
I softly creep into his room
He’s snoring with a smile.
I scan the scene for hidden clues
Search through his laundry pile –
Some oranges come rolling out
I scavenge like a fox.
And spy our stockings hidden in
His mound of smelly socks.
That naughty, greedy, cheeky thief!
I snatch my stocking back
And stuff his full with lumps of coal
My sweet- revenge attack!
© Phoebe Coghlan 2018
Anger, Feelings
1. Why do you think people sometimes take revenge on others? Do you think it helps them to feel better? Why or why not?