Teeny Tiny Halloween Tale
Teeny Tiny Ghost steals a bone for her supper... but somebody wants it back!
Children’s stories about honesty
Teeny Tiny Ghost steals a bone for her supper... but somebody wants it back!
Storyberries offers great tips as well as free children's books to help kids understand and develop the valuable skill of fairness.
Ronald the Elephant loves to frighten his family by calling "MOUSE!". But what happens when they stop believing him?
Peter is a forgetful elephant. What will he do when Susie really wants him to remember their anniversary?!
A Prince steals a magical ring from a fairy queen in order to defeat a wicked dragon.
A hare deceives some crocodiles, and learns to tell the truth.
Luca tells a little lie, that soon becomes many...
Rose of Evening is beautiful and kind, but what is she keeping secret?
A young man wants to marry a silly girl... but must find three sillier people first!