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Health, Hygiene, Independent Thinking

1. People don’t always get fleas, like Simha does. But what kinds of things happen when humans don’t bathe?

2. How do you think being clean is good for our health?

3. What are some other ways to be clean, apart from having a bath?

Short Story for Kids written by Prarthana Guru and Anu Madhavan

Illustrations by Sabrina Cristina

Music Video from

About the Authors

Prarthana Guru childrens authorPrarthana Gururaj works as a physical therapist by day and writes poems and stories for kids every chance she gets. Her teenage son inspires her more than he knows. Her hope is to light up a child’s imagination the same way her mother and grandfather did for her as a child. She lives in the US and writes more poems and stories on


Anu Madhavan childrens authorAnuradha (Anu) Madhavan is a sometime physical therapist and an eternal student. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and treasures writing stories for children and grown-ups. She hopes to have many more stories and thoughts to share in the future. For now, she has stories in word documents, abundant chocolate and many hopes and dreams!