Tiger’s Delicious Treats
Tiger has such delicious pies, but everyone is too scared to eat them!
Tiger has such delicious pies, but everyone is too scared to eat them!
Independent Thinking, Communication
1. How did Tiger go about finding out why nobody was eating his pies? Do you think this was a good idea? Why or why not?
2. Can you think of some other ways that Tiger might have solved the problem of nobody buying his pies?
3. Can you also think of some other ways that Pig, Monkey and Rabbit might have safely eaten some of Tiger’s pies?
Other Credits:
Music Video from zapsplat.com
This story: Tiger’s Delicious Treats is translated by Alisha Berger . The © for this translation lies with Room to Read, 2012. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Based on Original story: ‘TIỆM BÁNH CỦA HỔ’, by Nguyễn Trần Thiên Lộc . © Room to Read , 2012. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.
This story ‘Tiger’s Delicious Treats’ was published on StoryWeaver by Room to Read.