Princess Rose and the Golden Bird
A Princess sings a lullaby to her kingdom every night - until she falls under a curse.
Short Fairy Tales
A Princess sings a lullaby to her kingdom every night - until she falls under a curse.
A pixie helps a farmer while he's asleep - but stops helping when he is spoken to!
Three robbers overcome ten traders - until the traders start talking to each other.
An ugly maiden with a beautiful voice makes a trout fall in love with her.
A big boy tricks a little boy into giving him his cake by comparing it to the moon.
A mouse tries to be just like her best friend... to bad results!
A miller and his son try to walk a donkey - but get into difficulty when they listen to everyone's opinion.
Little Red Hen wants to make some bread. But will anybody help her?
A Princess is given a bad night's sleep when a Queen puts a pea under her mattress!