Listen to the audio book

“Time to learn to climb and jump.” Mama Squirrel looked at those three fuzzy-tail baby squirrels all squashed tight in the nest.

The three fat little baby squirrel stared back, big eyes and perky ears. A bit scary leaving their tight cozy nest, but now the baby squirrels were getting bigger and it was a squash.

“Out you come.” Mama Squirrel stood on a branch.

“Climbing, balancing and jumping.”

The three little squirrels pushed each other to get out first…

And then it happened – they couldn’t. Bedtime stories Tails in a Tangle three squirrels free books for kids “You can’t?” Mama Squirrel squeaked.

“You can’t?” Owl joined in with a hoot; he always does.

“You can’t?” Crow landed on the branch.

“You can’t?” Woodpecker flew down with a peck.

“What’s the problem?” Owl always liked to know. Bedtime stories Tails in a Tangle owl in a tree free books for kids A tear fell down the first baby squirrel’s cheek.

“We can’t because our tails are twisted and tangled.”

“Aah.” Crow crowed. “How did that happen?”

Mama Squirrel took a closer look.

“Twigs and a squashy nest, and those little squirrels squirm and wriggle far too much.”

The three little squirrels all started to howl and wriggle. Mama Squirrel yelled as loud as a squirrel could.

“Keep still, you’ll make the tangle worse.”

“That’s right.” Owl hooted. “Listen to your mother and don’t move.”

The three little squirrels tried to keep still but it was hard. Mama Squirrel took a closer look.

“I’ll pull out all the twigs and leaves.”

The three little squirrels tried to keep still but it was hard.

“Now, I’ll try to untangle your tails.”

The three little squirrels tried to keep still but it was hard.

Mama Squirrel tried to untangle the fuzzy furry tails.

The three little squirrels tried to keep still but it was hard.

“I’ll have to snip a bit with a bite or two, just keep still.”

“Snip a bit? Bite?” The three baby squirrels squealed.

“Just a bit, keep still and don’t wriggle and twist.”

The three little squirrels tried to keep still but it was hard.

Mama Squirrel snipped a bit with a bite in the middle where the bushy tails were knotted together.

The three little squirrels tried to keep still but it was hard.

Owl shook his head.

“Twisted and tangled.”

Crow crowed.

“Muddled and matted.” Bedtime stories Tails in a Tangle crow free books for kids Woodpecker jumped up and down.

“I’m a good pecker!”

But Mama Squirrel stopped snipping.

”I think it’s unmuddled now, just be careful you don’t tangle again.”

And so, it was the tangle was untangled – the three little squirrels carefully left the nest onto the branch of the tree. Each one had a tiny bit fuzzy of furry tail missing – but not so much.

“You need your tails for balancing and climbing and to keep you warm in winter.” Mama Squirrel told those three little squirrels.

“You listen to your mother.” Owl hooted “She knows best.”

“I could have pecked.” Woodpecker huffed and he flew off.

Bedtime stories Tails in a Tangle woodpecker “I’m glad I haven’t got a bushy tail.” Crow crowed and flew off.

And then Mama Squirrel taught the little squirrels everything that squirrels need to know – climbing, jumping, finding nuts and acorns and staying away from bushy tail foxes and barking dogs.

And if you see a squirrel with a lump of furry fuzz missing from its tail – it’s one of the tangled squirrels!  

© Andrea Kaczmarek 2020




1. Have you ever tried to untangle something? How did you do it?

2. How do you think patience helps in fixing a tangle? 

Short Story for Kids written by Andrea Kaczmarek

Illustrations used under license.