The Very Wriggly Tooth
Bunu has a wriggly tooth! How can she help it fall out quicker?
Bunu has a wriggly tooth! How can she help it fall out quicker?
1. Bunu is very excited for her tooth to fall out. And yet she must wait. Why do you think it was good for her to wait – to be patient – for her tooth to fall out?
2. What do you think might have happened if she was impatient (this means ‘not patient’)?
3. Do you think it is important to be patient in life? Why or why not?
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This story: The Very Wiggly Tooth is written by Reshma Thapa Gurung. © Pratham Books, 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. ‘The Very Wiggly Tooth’ has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.; Guest editor: Mathangi Subramanian
Bunu has a wriggly tooth! How can she help it fall out quicker?
Author: Storyweaver