Kids Writing – Bedtime Stories Bedtime Stories, Fairy Tales, Short Stories for Kids and Poems for Kids Wed, 29 Mar 2023 02:02:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kids Writing – Bedtime Stories 32 32 Elftopia Sun, 01 Jan 2023 01:55:24 +0000 Some elves go on a magical adventure to find Elftopia!

The post Elftopia first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

One sunny afternoon in the North Pole, Jingles asked Pepper and Sprinkles to go swimming in the Cocoa River. Sprinkles brought bubble gum floats for everyone and then they all got in Jingles’ sleigh. The road was made of black liquorice so they stopped to nibble on the side of the road. After a few minutes they were on the road again. Soon after, they reached the Cocoa River.

Bedtime Stories Elftopia Three Elves short stories written by kids

They splashed around and played freeze tag. Then Pepper found a bottle and they all got out of the water to open it.

They found a map inside the bottle and the first thing they read was “Elftopia”. Sprinkles said her grandmother used to tell her stories about Elftopia and she how it was a magical dimension where there were no gnomes to harm them.

Bedtime Stories Elftopia map in a bottle short stories written by kids

Then Jingles said, “Wow! I wish we could go there.”

“Well, we could,” said Sprinkles. “After all, we have the map.” Then they all agreed they would leave first thing in the morning.

In the morning they all met in the Gingerbread House. Then they once again got into Jingles’ sleigh and set off for the gate where Ogreville and the North Pole meet. When they got there the gate was striped red and white. When they entered they saw green cotton candy everywhere and evergreen gum balls.

Bedtime Stories Elftopia gumball land gate short stories written by kids

They saw an ogre who was trying to eat a green gum ball that was too big for his mouth. Sprinkles said, “There is one already cracked open over there.”

“I know,” said the ogre. “What are you even doing here?”

“Going to Elftopia,” said Sprinkles.

“Please tell me more!” said the ogre.

Sprinkles told him about all the cool things in Elftopia, and when she was done the ogre said, “Please let me go with you!”

“Sure,” said Sprinkles. “The more the merrier!”

Then everyone got into Jingles’ sleigh. Sprinkles said, “Next stop, Fairy Land!”

So Jingles pulled into a warp hole. A few seconds later they were in Fairy Land. There were floating lights and tiny trees everywhere!

Then they saw a fairy that was sitting down, muttering, “Sugar plum fairy! Sugar plum fairy!”

Bedtime Stories Elftopia Sugarplum fairy short stories written by kids

Jingles went up to her and said, “What’s wrong?”.

“They are banning me from Fairy Land forever and ever. I have no place to go,” said the fairy.

“Well, you could come with us to Elftopia,” said Jingles.

“Really?! I would love to!!” said the fairy.

“Next stop, South Pole!” said Jingles as they got back into the sleigh. Then they started on the road but as they were riding they almost hit a South Pole elf! They got out and asked the South Pole why he was running.

“Is, is he still chasing me?” replied the elf.

“Who?” said Pepper.

“The South Pole guard!” said the elf.

“Well, come with us. We will take care of you,” said Pepper.

“Mmm, okay sure! But we have to go now!” replied the elf.

“Okay, okay,” said Jingles as he made room for the South Pole elf.

Then they all got in the sleigh and Jingles pulled into another warp hole, and they were in the South Pole and the guard was chasing them. So Jingles went faster and faster, yet there were more guards every second.

Then Jingles quickly pulled into a warphole to a dimension that was cold and dark. They saw a faint light inside of a snow hill. They parked their sleigh and started to walk toward the light. Halfway there, they saw a door. They were so cold they ran to the door and knocked on it. Then they heard “thump…thump…thump..”

It was silent for a few seconds. Then the door opened and there was a yeti. The yeti said, “Ohhh, you must be freezing! Come in! Would you like some hot cocoa?”

Bedtime stories smiling yeti with hot chocolate kids writing at Storyberries

“Mmm, yes!” said them all.

“Yes, please!” said Jingles.

“Jingles loves hot cocoa,” said Pepper.

Then Jingles said, “Extra chocolate!”

The Yeti went to make the hot cocoa. When he came back he said, “Why are you all here?”.

“We are going to Elftopia!” they replied.

“And what is that?” said the yeti.

“A dimension where everyone is friends, “ said Pepper.

“Oh, can I come? I’m so lonely and I’d love to make some friends,” said the yeti.

“Sure,” said Jingles, “as long as you make hot cocoa for us!” Then everyone burst out laughing.

Then they were at the gate, and Sprinkles said, “Oh, I don’t feel so good!”

“Oh, come on! We’re almost there,” said Jingles. All the friends walked cautiously toward the gate.

Jingles said, “Well, this is it. If you don’t want to do this, turn back now.”

They entered the gate and there was chaos everywhere! There were even gnomes!

“I know what to do!” said Jingles. He whipped out some candy canes and gave the whole group candy canes. (Gnomes are allergic to candy canes.) They took out the gnomes, one by ones.

When they were finished all the elves came out of their damaged houses and said their thanks. Jingles and his friends offered to help clean up. They all worked together to clean up the village.

When they were done all the elves asked them to stay the night. But when they woke up they were all back at home.

There is no place like home!

Storyberries Kids Authors writing by kids

The post Elftopia first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The Red Sash Warriors Sun, 31 Oct 2021 04:09:05 +0000 A girl creates an army, to fight a wicked man who started war.

The post The Red Sash Warriors first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The following is a story about War. You may not wish to read about it if it is upsetting for you.

It was written by Saoirse, who is nine years old. 


Reona Cako was at war. Though she hated it, it was true. Every night she went to sleep with killing outside and only one man to blame. That man was Wonton Wink. Then one night she had an idea that could stop the war. “I need an army,” she said, with a slow smile creeping across her face.

For days she walked the streets doubting her plan and herself. Then it came to her. She raced home beaming all the way. She took up needle and thread to sew. And sew she did.

By the end of the week she had made 1000 red sashes, enough to dress a large army. The sashes were a lure for fighting arms that worked, so soon she had a total of 1000 soldiers. That was the beginning of the Red Sash Warriors.

The story

Reona Cako rode her troops onto the battlefield. “Stop!” she yelled, radiating power in every letter.

The army followed her command. She sat on her horse in front of Wonton Wink, the man who was to blame for all this.

She hated him as he sat there dwarfed next to Reona. She hated him as he shivered with fear. She laughed then, knowing it was finally over.

After shivering much too hard he fell off his horse which was probably the worst mistake of his life, seeing as Reona was on a horse and he now was not. Reona rode over him followed by one thousand horsed warriors.

The End

Stories written by Kids - Child author Saoirse

The post The Red Sash Warriors first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The Broomstick Tue, 05 Oct 2021 22:00:03 +0000 When you're learning to fly broomsticks in the classroom, all sorts of things are about to happen!

The post The Broomstick first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

Today was our first broomstick lesson and Miss Cackle was teaching us. She was so strict that no one even dared to say a word. We all just listened to what the dragon said.

“Everyone,” said Miss Cackle. “First everyone has to make sure your broom is on the side of your dominant hand.’

“What is a dominant hand?” asked Alice.

“The hand which you use to write, you numbskull!” yelled Miss Cackle. “Okay as I was saying make sure your broomstick is on your dominant hand so it is easier for you to hold it because you need a good grip so you don’t slip off. Next I want all of you to put it between your legs and then with a strong kick just jump with your broomstick.”

The first person to do it was Justin and he was doing pretty good until he tried to wave at us while on the broomstick. He went topsy turvy and he was out of control. He went really high, even higher than the school roof, and fell with a loud BANG! Miss Cackle had to go up and help him get down and take him to the nurse’s office.

Miss Cackle said if anyone used their broomstick they would be expelled. After they went to the nurse’s office Ralph saw some money that might have fallen from Justin’s pocket. He grabbed it and started teasing everyone that he had so much money.

Mildred immediately jumped up and tried to take it back from him but he was too fast.

Ralph jumped on his broom and said “If you want to get it back then you have to catch me with our broomsticks” and he sped off. Mildred followed him and she caught up to him but Ralph threw the money. Mildred flew to get the money but she crashed to the ground. Her broomstick was broken and she had mud on her uniform but the uniform is black so that didn’t matter. Miss Cackle was just returning from the nurse’s office and she saw Mildred crash. She quickly asked Mildred to come to her office. Mildred followed her.

In the office Miss Cackle told Mildred that she had never seen anyone that good with the broomstick. She asked Mildred to play broomstick rugby for the girls team but she first had to mend her broomstick. Mildred was the happiest student in the world.

When she returned from the office everyone was sad that she was going to get expelled. She told everyone that she actually got a spot in the girls broomstick rugby game. Everyone was so happy for her. It turns out that Miss Cackle isn’t much of a dragon, or is she?

Child author Kids Writer Deeaz Storyberries

The post The Broomstick first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The Horrible Ghost Thu, 30 Sep 2021 23:00:17 +0000 There was once a very strange kind of house. It was not an ordinary house... and it was the site of an extraordinary battle...

The post The Horrible Ghost first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

There once was a very strange type of house. It was not an ordinary house: it had wings and legs, and was built of a combination of gold, silver and bronze colours!! There lived a ghost inside the house! The ghost looked really scary. His eyes were evil green; he had a mouth three times the size of a blue whale’s mouth! And he could fly in the universe! When he was one year old, he had learned every bad spell there was (with his hands) and could do all sorts of evil things.

One day he made the whole world into his army except Banury Savryed Zasew, who alone, was enough to capture the ghost and his army ! This was his plan: from behind he would capture the whole army and then by sneaking in and catching the ghost and squishing the ghost, the ghost would be gone. He did the same, but the army captured Banury Savryed Zasew and the ghost destroyed him. But when he destroyed him, the ghost lost his powers and the powers went in the army! With their new-found power, the army realised that they were all good people. So they got rid of the ghost and everything went normal again. They also started the festival Banury Savryed Zasew to celebrate his braveness and mark the day he bravely fought the horrible ghost and his army.

Child author Kids Writer Avyaan Storyberries

The post The Horrible Ghost first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The Green Earth & Me Fri, 04 Dec 2020 05:08:08 +0000 A boy starts receiving gifts and letters from Mother Earth!

The post The Green Earth & Me first appeared on Bedtime Stories.



Chapter 1: A mission I have

Chapter 2: The reward

Chapter 3: A gift in return

Chapter 1: A mission I have

When I opened the door in the morning, I found a mysterious box lying outside my house. I looked for somebody who might expect the box, but I saw nobody. So, I looked for a name written on the box to tell whose box it is …… and I found my name! Yippee! I had got a parcel! But I should not have gotten excited.

When I opened the box, I saw nothing but a little blue marble. I did not want to keep the drab marble. So, I threw it into the garbage-filled lake near my house.

As it landed in the water, it began to gleam, on its own! The clouds crowded the sky and made it dark all around, but the marble kept gleaming. Within the blink of an eye, the garbage turned into water, the sun shone out again, the clouds cleared up, and the ball stopped gleaming as it flew back into the box.

“As if nothing happened at all!” I thought. I was amazed. When I looked inside the box, I found the marble… and a message from Mother Earth! I was astonished. The message read:

Writing by Kids The Green Earth and Me bedtime story letter from Mother Nature 2

I prepared myself to find garbage-filled lakes and clean them up. I even used the marble on oceans, seas, and many other water bodies. I was happy with the little, blue, water-cleaning marble.

Writing by Kids The Green Earth and Me bedtime stories hand earth illustration

Chapter 2: The reward

When I opened the door in the morning, I found a mysterious box lying outside my house. I looked for somebody who might expect the box, but I saw nobody. So, I looked for a name written on the box to tell whose box it is… and I found my name! Yippee! I had got another parcel! I took the box inside but stopped in my tracks. I found myself holding an earthen box instead of the box I was holding a minute ago! I was so startled I began to hop around like crazy. When I recovered, I dashed to my bedroom, holding the box. I opened the box, kept it on the table and sat on the chair. I was examining the box when I found a note. It was written in a congratulative tone. It was another note from Mother Earth! It read:

Writing by Kids The Green Earth and Me bedtime story letter from Mother Nature 1

As I finished reading, a General Knowledge book, a Science book, and a crossword book popped out of the box. Now I knew what Mother Earth was talking about! I spent my time solving the crosswords and learning facts. When I finished it all, the second edition popped out of the box. I finished it all and the third edition popped out. The fun books kept popping out of the box with different editions. I even won a General Knowledge and Science quiz at National Level! All thanks to Mother Earth’s book box.

Writing by Kids The Green Earth and Me Bedtime stories crossword illustration

Chapter 3: A gift in return

I was thankful to Mother Earth for all the rewards and gifts; now I just needed to pay her back, but how? That is when I thought of an extraordinary idea! I shuffled through my wardrobe and took out my seed collection. Then, I took out a box, two rubber bands, and two small boxes. I set off working. Then, I ended my project by making a toy gun! But this was no ordinary toy gun, it was my very own ‘Seed launcher 9000’!

Writing by Kids The Green Earth and Me Bedtime stories seed gun illustration

I loaded all the seeds I had and….BANG….fired off the seeds into the garden. Then I fired off two small containers of manure and water on the same spot where I shot the seeds into. The caps popped open and everything fell on the seeds. I kept repeating this until the seeds grew into strong, healthy plants.

The very same day this happened, I got another message from Mother Earth. It read:

Writing by Kids The Green Earth and Me bedtime story letter from Mother Nature 3

I too was impressed by my own work. So, I did exactly what Mother Earth said, “DO NOT STOP”.

And that is the end.

Kids Writing Susmit Author at Storyberries

Illustrations by Jade Maitre

Using elements from Raw Pixel and Pixabay.

The post The Green Earth & Me first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

His Kingdom For a Fork! Mon, 26 Oct 2020 00:13:51 +0000 Victoria invents a fork, and presents it to the King!

The post His Kingdom For a Fork! first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

Once upon a time, there was a poor kingdom that had no silverware and the people had to eat with their hands. Somewhere in the country, close to the king’s castle lived a 9 year old girl named Victoria. She loved to play with her pet pigs and she was very small but had a big heart. When she was a baby, she was so little that her ears had frequent ear infections and so as she grew she couldn’t hear so well. As a result, Victoria spoke loudly and when she was excited, she could really ring a bell.

One day she was making a present for her mother and it was supposed to be an instrument but it looked like a fork!!! Her dad was an ironsmith so she went down to his workshop and asked, “Daddy, can you make a mold for this object and make it with metal?” Her dad said, “Yes,” so after 3 months of molding they finally got the right mold and she took the fork to the King’s castle. The wise wizards, the enchanters, and the magicians were in a long, long, line to see the King. Victoria got in line with the other “professionals.”

A wizard named Max spoke to her very softly because the wise wizards thought very seriously that if a person whispered it meant they were powerful. Consequently, wizards always spoke softly and people always nodded their heads because they couldn’t really hear them. Max looked wildly at Victoria.

“How is it that a young girl with no parent is in line with me. Young child, this line is for professionals! People, you know, with power, influence, and education. You have none of these. You must go!”

Victoria was taken aback.

“Why sir!” her chin held high, “I am Victoria. I am a faithful and loyal subject to the Crown. The King will see me because I have a gift for the King.”

Max scowled, frowned, and growled at her.

“You,” Max chuckled. “You have a gift that the King can use?”

Max laughed a deep, deep, howl. Heads turned and people began to whisper. Max kept laughing uncontrollably until everyone was whispering, even the King! Finally, the King realized the absurdity of whispering to his advisors.

“Tell me. Tell me now. Wheeeeere, is this whispering coming from? I mean what are you whispering about and whooooo is laughing so hard? I cannooot even think.”

Max stepped forward with his wild hair, wild glare, and wildly inappropriate tone of voice. Max lifted up his head in a superior fashion and said, “I am who is talking. To whom am I talking to?” The King’s eyes got as wide as a Thanksgiving saucer for a family turkey.

The King replied, “I am he. The King.”

Max instantly bowed and tried to pay homage to the King and pushed Victoria out of the way.

The King took note of Max’s aggressive and rude behavior. The King said,

“Is there a problem here?”

Max replied, “I have…”

The King was furious. He said,

“How dare you push a girl out of the way to speak with her King, and then not answer me properly.”

Max looked at the King with his chin held high.

“Bring back the girl. Immediately!” the King said.

Nobody saw the girl. Victoria had gone home crying and the King threw Max and all of the magicians in prison. He set off to find Victoria and he finally found her. Victoria showed him the fork and the king loved it!

Ten years later everybody in the kingdom and in the country had a fork and they figured out how to make the spoon and the knife. The next day they were given a metal shop to work in and it was in the king’s castle and the king said that once you are finished making silverware for the entire kingdom you can become part of the royal family.

Twenty years later they were done making silverware and were getting royal food and clothes and they became rich. Victoria was twenty-nine and was just about to graduate from college. She met Caleb, the farm boy, and they loved each other. One day they were on a date at Victoria’s private indoor dining and Caleb asked Victoria to marry him!!!!!! Victoria said, ”Yes. Yes, a million times yes.” Soon they got married and lived happily ever after. They also had kids, three to be exact, and they grew up to be really good people!

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Writing by Kids Maddie bio

The post His Kingdom For a Fork! first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The Time Machine Thu, 22 Oct 2020 22:00:45 +0000 One day a boy finds a mysterious note... and a TIME MACHINE!

The post The Time Machine first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

A normal day as usual - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories 1

I woke up went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, everything was usual until I opened my front door for a delivery.

I thought, I knew who he was, but I couldn’t tell who he was under his helmet, so I closed the door and started sorting through the things.

2 The Coffee Dilemma - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

I was going to make some coffee, but I was out of coffee beans. I shuffled through my order, oh my house was a mess when I found the coffee beans.

I made some coffee but while making it, I noticed a note it read.

Grab the no.26 bus hop off at 5th avenue park ,come out of the street and run towards the hills clime the highest one, you will find a door labelled do not enter open it there be a pizza restaurant go to the washroom jump out from a small window open the door to a small hut and enter.

From –
A Friend of Yours

This is very important and secret it must be remembered then torn and thrown.

I thought a while… fine, it was Saturday after all.

3 The Adventure Begins - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

I read the note again, learnt it and the adventure begins!!!!!!!!!

I caught the number 26 bus, got off at 5th avenue park and did the rest of the instructions exactly.

I entered cabin then I saw flashes of light like a camera was taking pictures of me, I saw more flashes left and right, then I heard a familiar voice, it was my old friend Professor David, he has a PHD in astrophysics.

2 Introducing the Time Machine - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

Kids writing The Time Machine illustration

It’s what will allow you to travel in the fourth dimension.

Any guesses what it is?

No, ok I’ll tell you.

Its time, yup that is the fourth dimension.

So, I did research on it and found out time travelling is possible.

Oh, that’s incredible, I replied.

Yup it’s good, but I still need someone to test it. But then I thought it’s too unsafe to time travel alone, so I called you. We are going on prehistoric journey to the Jurassic period to see the dinosaurs. We’re going document the whole journey with pictures and videos then we will make a documentary about dinosaurs, then will go to the future to see the amazing inventions humankind will invent in the next few years. But my time machine just can’t go back and forth in time it can also go to different places.

Awesome, I replied.

5 Lets zip to the past - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

But before we time travel to the past we must learn how to use the past time travelling survival kit.

There are some snacks, matches a knife and a dinosaur identifying machine.

But how to use the Dino identifying machine?

Point the camera on the Dino and then press the button then it will give all the information you need (if it’s carnivorous you better run fast, or you will be Dino dinner)

When I entered the time machine there was a screen a keyboard and a red button labelled start.

6 Oopsy Daisy - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

I typed

“Jurassic period, 145 million years ago”

While I was going to call professor David I tripped on a bolt and my face landed straight on the red button. The door started closing and a minute later I saw the doors opening. What I saw outside was a sight to behold.

Wow!!!! It was amazing!

A triceratops!!!

It works, the time machine works!

But I was alone in the Jurassic period. What was I going to do? What dangers could be lurking behind me?

Just then I heard something.


Kids writing The Time Machine T-rex illustration

It was a T-rex oh boy – I ran as fast as I could.

When the T-rex stopped chasing me I stopped to catch my breath.

Then I saw I was in a shadow. When I looked up there was a flying dinosaur, what was it I didn’t know what Dino it was, so I pulled out my Dino identifier.

I snapped a photo of it

It is a Pterodactyl.

But then I felt a pat on my shoulder. I was scared to look back, it could be another T-rex ready to eat me, but when I looked back a huge surprise met me. It was my old friend professor David, then he told me his whole story.

It went like this …

When I saw you and time machine was missing, I used the old prototype of the time machine. It turned out to work, so I came to save you.

We were taking pictures and videos, writing down notes and taking plant samples. At night we were very sleepy and hungry; we ate the snacks we packed then we slept in a cave. When we woke up we decided it was time to go back to the lab, so we walked to the time machine and opened the doors, but then the screen showed 1% battery left. Professor David calculated we were stuck in the Jurassic period until we could find a battery, but then an idea popped in my head.

Why don’t we use the old prototype time machine?

That’s a great idea, Professor David replied.

But when we got there it was severely damaged. But we managed to get the battery out and put it in the working time machine. We opened the doors and set it to 2020

7 Lets zip to the future - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

In a minute we were back to Professor David’s lab then he called his friend to help him make the documentary of dinosaurs we were talking about earlier. Once he was done, we watched it; it was amazing.

But we still had a mission to do in the future.

8 Amazing inventions - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

Me and Professor David decided we should go to 2050.

I thought the future would be more peaceful than the past. Yeah, flying cars are more peaceful than a T-rex trying to eat me.

I typed 2050 on the screen.

Then professor David came in pressed the start button but then the screen only showed 1% battery.

Oh no we forgot to recharge the battery!

Once Professor David re-charged the battery, he came in, pressed the start button, and to the future we go.

What we saw was just as amazing as the Triceratops but less dangerous.

8 This technological era - The Time Machine - kids writing and bedtime stories

We snapped a few pictures and videos of it.

It looked like a race with colourful flying supersonic cars (cars that go faster than the speed of sound).
Very colourful and fast.

Kids writing The Time Machine future car illustration

We hopped back in the time machine and went back to Professor David’s Lab in 2020.


The End - bedtime stories for kids

Storyberries Kids writing Harshil About the Author



The post The Time Machine first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

Lost Thu, 27 Aug 2020 04:22:53 +0000 A group of friends get LOST! coming home from a phone shop!

The post Lost first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

The city is a busy place in December. Everyone knows that! Everyone including Layla, Mia, Annie, and Isabella. They have been in the city for two years, and they know a lot about it! But one day, that all changed. That day when they were coming back from school, they saw a Phone store.

“Guys!…” said Annie. “…let’s go to that store!”

Annie was all about tech, so her friends knew that they would have to go into the store. When they went inside, everyone was surprised that Mia the artist was having fun at the store… in fact, she was having a blast! But when they went outside, it was snowing. They couldn’t see a thing!

That was terrifying for Isabella, the scaredy cat.

“Are we lost…?” she said. “This is so bad.”

“We’re not lost!” said Layla, the over-confident one. “Just follow me,” she said.

So, they followed Layla for what seems like forever, and then it stopped snowing.

“See…?” Layla said “We’re here!”

And just like that, Layla, Mia, Annie, and Isabella were in the middle of the forest with nowhere to go.

“Great…” said Annie “Now, I’m going to be late for my coding class!”

It was getting late, so they had to make a shelter.

“OK guys…” said Isabella “Let’s split up. Layla will get the food, Mia will get the sticks for the campfire, Annie will get sticks for the shelter, and I will get leaves for the shelter.”

So, they did what Isabella said, and went out to look. In 5 to 10 minutes, they had lots of stuff!

“Perfect…” said Isabella, “Now let’s get to work”.

So, they did. Layla chopped some berries, Mia made a campfire, Annie made a shelter, and Isabella filled all the little holes in the shelter with leaves. And, after they had some berries, it was time to hit the hay!

“Make sure to sleep tight…” said Mia, “We have a long day ahead of us.”

As always, Annie with the first to wake up. But, when she woke up, she heard people.

“Yay…” she woke up everyone, and they all rushed to the voices. When they got there, they met a girl!

“Hi,” she said. “My name is Tara”.

“Hi Tara,” Mia said. “Do you know the way to the city?”

Tara did not say a word. Instead, she gave them a map. “This will help you.”

After the girls said bye to Tara, they followed the map, and soon after that, they saw the city. They ran home, and when they got home, all their parents had the same question for them…

“Where were you??!”

And, the girls had a lot of explaining to do!

“Well, we’ll tell you….”

Nishka P Storyberries Kids Writing

The post Lost first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

Duke and Misty – Forever Friends! Wed, 26 Aug 2020 05:00:01 +0000 What happens when a new puppy comes into the house - and your sister already has a cat!?

The post Duke and Misty – Forever Friends! first appeared on Bedtime Stories.

It was a bright sunny Saturday morning as Sarah Roberts woke up.

“Why do I feel so excited?” she wondered. Then she realized: it was her birthday!

Sarah leapt out of bed and to the living room, but it was as dark as night! She turned on the lights, and her family shouted SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!

“Wow!” exclaimed Sarah. “Thanks! ”

“We got you a present,” said Lucille, Sarah’s elder sister, grumpily. “But I hate it.”

“What is it? What is it?” said Sarah impatiently.

Mom laughed. “We got you a puppy!”

Sarah squealed. A puppy! She had a puppy! Dad laughed and showed her a box with holes. Sarah was so excited, that when her dad undid the box flaps and Sarah peeked in. There it was. A little puppy! He had light tan fur and floppy ears. He was so sweet!

“I love it! Thanks Mom! Thanks Dad!”

Lucille added. “So what should we name it? Tofu? Lily? Fauna?”

Sarah gave her a look of disgust. “Don’t be silly. Those are girly names. We’ll call him Duke.”

Duke whined. Come on, he thought. Get me out of here!

Sarah giggled. “Come on, Duke, you’re coming with us!”

Duke looked at her, confused. This wasn’t the pet store he once lived in. But if he was going to have more playmates, then maybe everything would be fine.

But there was a problem the Roberts family forgot. Upstairs, there was a pet cat called Misty. Lucille preferred cats, but everyone knew Sarah loved dogs and puppies. Lucille went upstairs to fetch Misty, who loved to snooze on Lucille’s bed. When she came back down, Misty was snuggled in her arms.

When Misty saw Duke, she yowled. Aaaaaa! She thought, there’s a dog in my house! Is he going to replace me!?

Startled by Duke, Misty leapt out of Lucille’s arms and prowled across the living room floor at Duke, as he whined with fear at Sarah. Whats going on? he thought. Why doesn’t she like me?

Duke scrambled at Sarah, who picked him up. “No wonder you weren’t happy with Duke! You knew he Misty would hate him!” shouted Sarah.

“Sarah, stop yelling. You’re scaring Misty even more!” Then she crossed her arms. “And you’re right about me hating Duke, but it’s obvious why!”

Duke felt like he was left out and forgotten about. Hey! He thought What about me? But Lucille and Sarah were too angry with each other to notice his whining.

“Calm down girls!” called Dad. “With all this arguing, soon Duke and Misty will both be scared!”

Later that day, the Roberts family were coming back from the pet store with Duke’s supplies. Lucille and Sarah were still arguing about Duke and Misty’s fight they had earlier that day, so they decided to separate them. Duke’s food bowl was in the kitchen, and Misty’s was under the dining table. Duke’s sleeping rug was in the living room, and Misty’s cushion was in front of the back door.

The next morning, Sarah and Lucille woke up early because of a strange sound. The sisters ran to the living room and were horrified to see Timmy suddenly jump to the sofa arm where Misty was, and he bit her tail!

Ouch! meowed Misty loudly! That dog bit my tail! That means he really IS here to replace me!

Misty was so scared that she accidentally knocked over Mom’s collection of glass birds! CRASH! The noise got Mrs. Roberts running down the stairs, and when she saw her broken collection, she shook her head and said,

“You two really need to keep an eye on Duke and Misty!”

As soon as she left the room, Lucille glared at Sarah. “Now look what you did. You wanted Duke in the first place. It’s all your fault!”

Sarah felt angry. “No it’s not! Misty broke the statues! Not Duke!” she yelled.

“Only because Duke bit her, Sarah!” Lucille shouted back.

Sarah wanted to yell again, then she noticed something: Misty and Duke were missing!

Lucille gasped. “Where are they?” she said in a shaky voice.

“I-I-I don’t know” stammered Sarah.

Suddenly, they heard barking and… purring? Had Misty and Timmy become friends?

Racing to to their room, their were surprised to find Timmy sleeping on Misty, and she was happily purring!

“So they ARE friends! said Lucille, amazed.

Sarah smiled. “Now they won’t fight anymore…HEY! she shouted. “Duke chewed my blanket!”

Lucille sighed. Life was going to be wild with pets like these!


Storyberries Kids Writing - Christina J Author


The post Duke and Misty – Forever Friends! first appeared on Bedtime Stories.
