Sima and Siza
Sima loves to play with his doll Siza - and has the chance to help others!
Sima loves to play with his doll Siza - and has the chance to help others!
Bullying, Friendship
1. Can you think of some reasons why Sima’s friends did not like Siza?
2. Was it right of Sima’s friends to put Siza’s head down the toilet? Why or why not?
3. Do you think this is the way that people should behave to their friends? If not, what are some other ways in which they could have behaved, even if they didn’t like Siza?
1. Sima was able to help his injured father when the ball hit him on the head. Why was he able to do this?
2. Why do you think Sima’s father plays hospital-hospital with Sima now?
1. Do you think both boys and girls should be able to play with dolls? Why or why not?