Santa’s Beanbag
Just exactly what does Santa do right after Christmas? You'll never guess!
Read the best free Christmas stories for kids online! Christmas story books, funny Christmas stories, short Christmas stories, stories with morals, and more…
Just exactly what does Santa do right after Christmas? You'll never guess!
Mia writes a poem to Santa about the importance of washing his hands, wearing a mask and social distancing in Christmas 2020.
Sam just can't wait to see what's in his secret Christmas present!
A poem about Christmas elves, snug wintery fun, and the importance of kindness at Christmas.
Little Bertie never remembers to do anything his mother asks him. Until one Christmas, Santa forgets!
The poem about the night after Christmas, when everyone's eaten too much and a doctor is called!
Santa buys all his friends the same presents every year. But what happens when his friends don't quite like what they receive?
The day some evil daemons tried to stop Santa Claus from making children happy!
A poem about the excitement of Christmas Eve...